Especially, these impressive numbers were recorded at a time when Vietnam and many Asian countries have the Lunar New Year holiday in 2021, many production and business activities are suspended for the Tet holiday.

One of the two primary sales channels that significantly contributes to the growth of HSG is export. Galvanized steel sheet exports by HSG, which presently leads the sector and accounts for over half of all exports, go to more than 85 different nations and territories. The export operations of HSG are conducted as usual at plants around the nation during the New Year of the Ox 2021. A number of sizable export cargoes were shipped out in the first few days of the year, indicating a busy year for the Group’s export operations.

According to a report from the Vietnam Steel Association, HSG maintained its top spot on the domestic market in the first month of 2021 with a market share of 37.5%, up from 33.4% in the entire year of 2020; in the segment for steel pipes, HSG’s sales volume totaled 40,359 tons, accounting for 22.76% of the market share in January 2021.

It is highly straightforward for HSG to make goods since it now possesses a distribution system with more than 536 stores distributed around the nation and a system of 10 production plants situated in prime locations, close to international seaports. goods supply, export, and supply. Additionally, Hoa Sen brand items are produced in accordance with tight guidelines for product quality, high user safety requirements, transparent origin, and quick delivery, so the market should like them. These are strong pillars that drive HSG to keep achieving new milestones in the foreseeable future.


News agency reported on the event:

1. CafeF: https://cafef.vn/hsg-thiet-lap-ky-luc-xuat-khau-moi-san-luong-vuot-moc-120-nghin-tan-thang-2021030207155624.chn

2. Vietstock: https://vietstock.vn/2021/03/doanh-thu-xuat-khau-hsg-vuot-100-trieu-usd-trong-thang-2-737-830686.htm

3. Thời báo Ngân hàng: https://thoibaonganhang.vn/hsg-thiet-lap-ky-luc-xuat-khau-moi-san-luong-vuot-moc-120-nghin-tanthang-doanh-thu-vuot-100-trieu-usdthang-112108.html

4. VietnamBiz: https://vietnambiz.vn/hoa-sen-ghi-nhan-doanh-thu-xuat-khau-ky-luc-100-trieu-usd-thang-20210302085334937.htm

5. Fili: http://fili.vn/2021/03/hsg-doanh-thu-xuat-khau-ton-ma-vuot-100-trieu-usd-trong-thang-2-737-830686.htm

6. Vneconomy: https://vneconomy.vn/hsg-thiet-lap-ky-luc-xuat-khau-moi-20210302091658798.htm


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